It wants me It does not say that simply the love finished, does not take off me in this way The reason of living. It says that I have that to move, That I have to accept that you as it is, Says that I have that to only live for you. It says that I am its, and end point. It does not say that the love simplemente finished, It plays with my feelings, It hurts my heart, It sins with me, and who more you to quizer, Me of reasons to look and to offer mine to you to you pardon. It wants me dragging to its feet it wants, Me eating in its hand wants, Me simplemente wants me it wants, Me, and it does not need to be faithful. It offends me it wounds, me blames, me, But for God, it does not say that the Simplemente love finished. Jose Nunes J.Nunezbusca Pear tree = j.nunez poetry
Month: December 2012
Forever I will live 25.02.08 I want that each day the possible fastest pass, I want I concluded my objectives, in this life alone I wait the eternity. Therefore it will be my life of truth, in this life in the land I want paid my sin here, I wait that GOD hears my message. For the eternity I want to fly as it frees me to bird, all the provaes, It distresses I want forgets, pra me only lives. Souvenir, homesickness, everything all will be truth therefore we in will find them together we will live. Pra me each day is a new conquest, but all end initiates a start, I will be eternalized by my good acts and studied by my past.
I go to characterize my life, therefore the philosophy is a form of life that facilitates and me guide. GOD never I will forget therefore its Holy Writ to it demarcates each day, teaches in them, the guide For all the life for the eternity that makes its will. Philosophy, Buddha, Alchemy however it may be act with love, either trovador Or scholar loves the life but you grow in spirit you will go with me pra To be illuminated The life finishes and the soul travels for the eternity and you it will live of truth. Weverton Notrevew
Poet of the Power
Josias Maciel is the poet of the idealized man, the poet of the power, the virility, the gerenerao of the demoralized, not motivated man for the easy and accidental sex. In this poet we find the natural woman with its qualities and virtues and not an imitation of the manthat it is of course vile.He is the poet of regenerations, the fertility, the virility without magismo, the power, the pureness without puritanismos and of the masculine expression, the clarity, the concentration and masculine objetividade, the virtues without stages, of they linguajem untied and direct. This poet is the opposition the feminilidade, the vanities of the current man and the demoralization of the man. The Sword of an Angel Its clothes had been falling in the soil of the Done room petals of naked white rose. Its naked body still more is perfumed. Without petals it was the sample its skin of pink color and its pelugem of peach mature Of relva or saliva of rough language She was humidified its soft skin of mace Never before bitten. Playing of a petal well-me-wants with its body Pulled out its, Breached its only veil or membrane It fainted done one passarinho abated, Moaned and felt espasmo of death Or of Tereza Saint tranferred for the sword of a ertico angel, she looks at Now me been thankful, and as if I was you the life and of the death, it a son asks for to me.