It wants me It does not say that simply the love finished, does not take off me in this way The reason of living. It says that I have that to move, That I have to accept that you as it is, Says that I have that to only live for you. It says that I am its, and end point. It does not say that the love simplemente finished, It plays with my feelings, It hurts my heart, It sins with me, and who more you to quizer, Me of reasons to look and to offer mine to you to you pardon. It wants me dragging to its feet it wants, Me eating in its hand wants, Me simplemente wants me it wants, Me, and it does not need to be faithful. It offends me it wounds, me blames, me, But for God, it does not say that the Simplemente love finished. Jose Nunes J.Nunezbusca Pear tree = j.nunez poetry