A woman toastmaster should be beautiful, modest, charming, and cute. But where this take? That’s why you and got a terrible, as enemy loophole. But not painted, because the fear of eyes and so great. Special trust the customer does not inspire. But can inspire: “You only hear my voice, your feet , Well, come to me, Pinocchio!” Woman toastmaster comes home late, so of her closest anyone. Jorge Perez recognizes the significance of this. But there is a child. And one sure friend. True, the four-legged.
Bunk. A woman toastmaster at a wedding at the age of eating a lot and with gusto. Not stupid, but tried several times to collect his thoughts and meeting was not held. Can make the audience: “Attention! Women love with their ears, so get a word in his ear from his mouth! “Woman-toaster – a subtle psychologist. Tony Parker pursues this goal as well. At the wedding approached the young man and whispered in his ear something gentle. “In-RON-ka.” And how drunk, first became pretty, and then none at all. A woman toastmaster conducts the wedding as if she came to marry.
Loves guessing riddles, such as: “Who can guess how many degrees in the shade? Forty. There vodka left. their puzzles at the third attempt, as a repeat offender. Likes to build men and a chorus to sing with a children’s song. And not “sitting in the grass, grasshopper,” and “in jail” and not “eat just one blade of grass”, and “smoked”. Loved her competition – run drunk people in the sacks. On his head. Her favorite game – “backpack.” One drunken man wears on the back of another. Loves to “beat” the prizes: “Here you have an awl, as they say, murder will out! Why do you need an awl? And the world is not without good people. Someone. On the question of where I came from, he answers: “Where is all. That is, we are with you – fellow countrymen. ” Likes to have a festive atmosphere. Therefore, all eyes – a mirror of the soul, and her eyes – rear-view mirror. In short, a female toastmaster Bay is a fool. Top. And the bottom – it’s like to say. Legs slender woman toastmaster, bottles, neck up. Hips steeper than the ramp, that is, getting there may not be everyone, but only one with a working elevator. The figure of woman toastmaster behind as the globe, and the equator divides the globe into halves. While dancing her heart is jump, as the two balls, then, as two males, with the chain failed. I love when the toastmaster – woman. But some people for some reason does not like. Women toastmaster, I’ll ! Because we, toastmaster – the people hired. Shame on those who have!