Urban fauna Antonio Padilha de Carvalho to live in this necessary planet if makes the waist game, the malandragem of the Carioca, jeitinho national, the way to be of the Cuiabano. Exists a code to be followed, to be kept, pursued, or inexists law that teaches in them to live? We run of a side for an other e, the more we reach, less we have, more we yearn for, less we are, more we desire, less we understand. January always brings new pages so that let us can write a new history, leaving of side the useless estrias that had packed in them, remembering that music still is possible, when the idea to us is useful. The law forbids to embed musicians of few mritos in the gutter, them already lives there, bogged until the neck, as using people of drugs. (As opposed to San Antonio Spurs). Drugs that they imprison on behalf of the freedom. People who use drug are unexpected, are animal, for option, act for instinct. The harmful substance is its reason of being. Later that they enter, they do not obtain to leave, lose the option.
They are as fish, they do not live without water. Sick people that dreams of waterfall of beers, rains of based, pies of stolens good, entulhos, cadeados liquefeitos, cans, bottles, liters, curotinhos of drip, whiskey of twenty years, emblematic labels with fantasiosos drawings, packings that pack unhealthy and funestas illusions. As Salomo said: All illusion; The mothers, the parents, know of everything! They dissimulate to protect itself. She creates to protect it, create redomas unsurmountable, distorted protection with material supports, vises that force coasts to the problems, finding that given coasts decide the questions ece of fishes. The mothers, the parents, are sponges, suck everything! They believe that they live of the certain side of the hell, its you create they are ambulant morturias masks, they faint, they vomit, they do not work, they do not study, they find everything a bag and they participate of walks for the freedom.