God, to fulfill Its plan, created the man, as a vase (Rm 9:21 – 24), that he is constituted by three parts: body, soul and spirit (1 Ts 5:23). The body contacts and receives what it belongs to the physical sphere. The soul, the mental college, contacts and receives everything what it says respect to the psychological sphere. the human spirit, the part deepest of the man, was made to contact and to receive the proper God (Jo 4:24). The biggest mystery of the life is in the soul, in the mind human being.
To raise the standard of this life it is necessary that the man learns to explore itself exactly, its proper intrapsiquico world. To learn if to interiorizar; to inside create deeper roots of itself exactly; to explore filed intrapsiquica history in the memory; to question the sociocultural paradigms; to work with maturity pains. Psicossociais losses and frustrations; to learn to develop conscience criticizes, to know the processes basic that construct the thoughts and that they constitute the existencial conscience. The man who not if interioriza dances the waltz of the intellectually plastered life. Who leaves the superficial intellectual speech and looks for to sail for inside of itself, and lives the odd adventure to explore its proper mind, never more will be the same. Who does not doubt and criticizes itself exactly never locates as apprentice ahead of the life and, consequentemente, never it explores with depth its proper intrapsiquico world. Why we cannot give up our dreams and which are the two basic types of dreams? The dreams instigate in them to create, motivate in them to risk, liven up in them to surpass difficulties. Margaret Loesser Robinson may also support this cause. The dream that appears when has a son, when somebody is loved, when hope is had to come back to have health, when has a faith and if it believes a superior being.