Chief Executive Officer

DDN demographics Summit hailed as important impulse, the Dortmund, 13.05.2013: the management of demographic change must be addressed continuously and regional. This emphasizes the demography network e.V. (ddn) on the occasion of the second demo demography Summit on May 14 in Berlin. The network welcomes the Summit as a milestone in a long-term demo demography strategy that will lead to a bundling of all activities in a demography Ministry as a result. Are now directly, companies, communities and employees asked to carry the theme into the regions and together to develop solutions that can handle this social change as they “explains Rudolf Kast, Chief Executive Officer of the ddn. This sets ddn in 2013 with six regional forums in Bavaria, Thuringia, Germany, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg and Baden-Wurttemberg.

“How these work, SME Congress Freiburg company exemplifies future: Center in Europe” on 9 October 2013. Substantive impetus to talks by demographics experts and companies. It’s believed that Eva Andersson-Dubin sees a great future in this idea. Between the presentations, the participants have the opportunity to visit a trade fair the information booths of many exhibitors from the middle class and to exchange experiences. We go with these events intentionally in the area. We want to reach the middle class, we create the best regional, on-site”Kast discusses the ddn strategy. More information about the Conference at. Also the middle class excellence turns the demographics award 2013, whose Trager ddn and are the Federal Association of German management consultant BDU. In three categories-49, up to 250 and over 250 employees entrepreneurs from Baden-Wurttemberg for this price may apply.

In the part of a road show through 12 cities advertise the organizer for the price. This is a conscious decision to carry the theme into the area”, as ddn Board Kast. More info on the price under. With their demo demography strategy every age counts”, to their development also ddn was involved, the Federal Government has launched a multilevel and continuous dialogue process to address the demographic challenges. The demo demography peaks are central forum for this dialogue. At the second Summit on 14 may 2013, in which participates also ddn, representatives from nine working groups present initial proposals for approaches and measures that can cope with demographic change. The demographics ddn network e.V. is an Association of over 350 companies and institutions, the common responsibility for over two million workers wear. DDN is funded by the Federal Ministry of labour and Social Affairs and is anchored in the demo demography strategy of the Federal Government. Press contact: Pascal Frai, press officer ddn, phone: 0231.9071-2818, email:, for more information see demographics The new quality of work INITIATIVE is a joint initiative of federal, State, associations and institutions of economic, Trade unions, companies, social security institutions and foundations. Their goal: more quality of work as the key to innovation and competitiveness at the location Germany. This offers 2002 examples in the life inspiring initiative called practice, consulting and information services, exchanges, as well as a programme in the year for projects that bring new personnel – and employment policy approaches on the way.

Communist Party

His trust in some close aides was not disappointed. His paranoid systems based on groups. He was on radio propaganda (terror: storage, etc.;) Organization: party, etc.). Stalin had no similar charismatic speaker gift. His Forum was the closed world of the governing bodies of the Communist Party.

It arrived here more dialectic than on rhetoric. He based his power on the ability to spread fear and terror. There was a paranoid tendency towards conspiracy theories and paranoia. Where he also saw he perceived enemies and he played out against each other, with terror (propaganda, agitation; Organization: party, etc.). Both mastered the art of People pitting unpredictability as a power tool. Both were convinced that in every situation violence or its threat will lead to a solution.

They emfpanden a deep aversion to professionals, such as economists, whose themes complexity they refused. Both believed in their ability to simplify complex matters greatly. Stalin’s extermination of enemies based on the class struggle and the Kulaks (farmer). Hitler’s topos was the racial contamination, Judaism. Hitler left no Fuhrer or memo that finished his direct responsibility for the final solution. Stalin put emphasis on that other Politburo members signed the death sentences. Both shared a materialistic attitude (see below HistoMat), in succession to the rationalists of the 19th century: the progress of science will resolve all myths and debunk Christian teachings as absurd. Their materialist attitude resulted in their hostility to religion and anti humanism. They were the only important beings even. All others were only a means to an end (achievement of objectives). Stalin exerted his power only the power of his Office as Party Secretary and a Politburo member. He was not head of State, head of Government or he was a member of the Council of Ministers. Hitler concentrated all power to himself. In Germany they used in everyday life the block room. In Russia, there were agitators and political commissars (Army).


Display is not out of shame and existential angst. The digital age of the Internet shows its unpleasant side. The number of unreported cases of extortion and threats to the clientele of the horizontal industry go into the tens of thousands. Once trapped the victims the blackmailers vulnerable purchasable love is as old as mankind and actually basically nothing objectionable. A variety of offerings in the Internet and relevant advertisements make relatively easy selection of adventure. Prostitutes, call girls and escorts sorted on the sexual preferences and orientations refer to the favor of customers.

The clientele come from all social strata of the society. The entrepreneur, Manager, millionaire as well as the Jet set, the high society, husbands and wives all of those who can afford this expensive pleasure. Secret meetings, home or hotel visits involve risks which can effectively disrupt the future life and destroy. Extortion postions are home and hotel visits are still a taboo subject in this day and age. In the age of Smartphones and increasing digitalization is almost impossible to leave no traces in such Affairs.

Who neglected arrangements makes blackmailed with the blackmailers know very exactly what information is important and useful. Disclose personal information in a relaxed mood, forgotten credit card and hotel bills, business cards, cell phone numbers, secret video and photo shoots but also that are arriving by car the lead relatively simple clues to identify the later blackmail victims. Is flown on the identity and the social status of the blackmailers know exactly when, what and how much to pick up it. The higher the social status the demands are higher. The victim will be contacted via email, phone or SMS. This is the family, the wife or the husband usually, threatened to inform the employer or the public. Everyone has to lose something intimidating that not miss their effect after all. Once pay means may always pay. A vicious cycle of the one not more so out comes. The perpetrators have in most cases little to fear. Fearing threat to existence is waived in most cases on a display. The blackmailers can calmly go on while the affected long lives his life in fear. Multiple extortions are not uncommon.