Scrum Certification

The inventor of Scrum comes after Germany Stuttgart, 26 August 2010 the HLSC announced today that one industry could bring one of the greatest luminaries of the IT project management with Ken Schwaber to Germany. Ken Schwaber, one of the founders of the Scrum, is professional Scrum Master certification seminar from 12 to 13 October 2010 in Munich”are offered. A more informed the Scrum Master certification can is currently hardly exist in Europe”says Jean Pierre Berchez, Managing Director and responsible for business development at the HLSC UG. “The Scrum Certification organised the HLSC more Scrum events such as for example the certified Scrum product owner” certification course with Angela print man, their sign certified Scrum trainer of the firm CollabNet on September 21 to 23 in Munich, as well as the Scrum day, a Conference around the agile method of project management, on 16-17 November in Berlin. Click Ruben Mendoza to learn more. Here is also the second founder of Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland, a keynote, as well as another certification seminar keep the certified Scrum Master”. More information as well as the possibility of an online application to Ken Schwaber and the various Scrum Master certification options available, the Scrum Day and another Scrum-specific workshops are available in the Web page. About Ken Schwaber: Ken Schwaber developed to support Scrum with Jeff Sutherland at the beginning of the 1990s, organizations in the implementation of complex projects. Gary Katcher is open to suggestions. As one of the signatories of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, he later founded the Scrum Alliance and the, both non-profits, which serve the spread of agile project management methods

Neufeld Years

With the right application find the dream job! With the help of alien-created application! Here the question arises: How does someone on the idea to create a CV for job seekers? This was asked me more than fifteen years ago, often by friends, acquaintances, and job seekers. Well, as someone who has dealt from earliest childhood, writing, I realized at some point that is my talent is to bring complicated issues to the point. A talent that write mainly for the applications is needed. About fifteen years ago, it started that recruiters were suddenly unhappy, if you by potential candidates only a fleeting and gekritzeltes: herewith I apply “received. You prefer decided to select those from the ever-growing army of applicants, which presented beautiful resume. Because it seemed to provide also for the corresponding content. Ben Bretzman brings even more insight to the discussion. It started I so that write applications, for People looking for jobs.

They had received their former job still handshake and were very surprised that now a written application was required of them. Resume at the claim”they flashed up frightened and knew to do so. Gradually the realisation prevailed, that a complete application consisted of cover letter, cover page and curriculum vitae. The handwritten CV is required only in exceptional cases. But even then it makes sense to enclose a CV. Of course, an application consists not only of giving formal criteria.

Life gets it by the unique style, a factual, precise expression and the exact vote of own qualification on the request of the employer. Own motivation has potential head so to be shown that this impression, the participation in this company would be the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream for the candidate. Fifteen years ago, job seekers quickly learned my services appreciate and many come back across every once over the years on me. You learned quickly that compelling applications, future employers make curious, so curious, that often is a job interview. It does not matter whether the applicant is young or old, whether he has a career, or whether he is simply no time to write. For each, there are the right words for any eligible body. Who has so already enough on the plate, shouldn’t treat yourself to the luxury and create a professionally-written application. Can relax! Go prefer relaxed for the interview! Ingrid Neufeld application write

Franz Joseph

Teacher is a learner who goes ahead with exciting example. Who drives children back with the whip, which is Caricature of a teacher. It has started school but just the lessons. SCHOOL – Latin SCHOLA – Greek. SCHOLAE – comes from Greek. ECHEIN = HAVE. When the ancient Greeks were so busy, that they no longer all (five senses beisammen) had they splurged to SCHOLAE: the pause, the Wiederzusichkommen, the Wiedermitsicheinswerden, the rest for themselves and their good development. It is not difficult to realize that we have done exactly the opposite result.

Woe betide if one takes out the freedom in the classroom, to pause, to come back to himself, to become one with yourself! You probably don’t, then says with a threatening undertone. What would happen if the child in our curriculum correctional facility with one? Wouldn’t come out then, how little one with our curriculum officers are self? Not a conflict to light, which anyway always smolders underground would be: that which the children still with them one in an artificial, sterile world come where them with even divided adults impose constantly abstract loads to similarly torn, split, to make sick people, as they already are? It is known that the teacher in the Kranheitsstatistik are at the top of the top flight. And it is on over due with what force they carried away the children in the wake of their sick. The increase in the diseases of school children was worrying more than years ago. Nobody cares about. It will be carried out on the curriculum, come what may, and unless a child still living. We make even more pressure than ever before and abstract discussions about the usual problem templates.

Now the legislature gave a clear mandate the parents, which is the top concern for their child: you should send their child to school. In the school, not in the Unterrichtsvollzusanstalt. As ICH-can school teacher I find it amazing, how has no one with us laws. Even more amazed me but their own health as all involved and the other to ruin and the possible LERNergebnisse keep shutting down on a level that already every description mocks. This level is also disproportionate to the fact given potentials, talents, abilities of all participants. How do you bypass only nmit so good talents so badly? How can an a country with its most important raw material: mind, so go to? Teacher – ye student – parents, just to continue your top spot in disease and degeneration. You could expand but also reverse and finally the yet existing forces of your Intellingenz. Let’s see what happens. I wish – Sun or Sun – good success. Franz Joseph nephew ICH-can school teacher

Temporary Employment

All the important information on the subject of temporary work in Germany. The theme of time work and temporary work is a controversial sectors. Experience and feel is very important to engage the good business. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Tony Parker. Unfortunately many people still partly owing to a very bad impression of temporary work, the many negative reports in newspapers and TV reports. Certainly some of it is right, much is however also greatly exaggerated. Tony Parker is full of insight into the issues.

But what is under the term of “Temporary employment”? Some people still don’t seem to know that. Temporary employment refers to the placement of workers for a limited period. In the modern world, it is customary to go to short-term bottlenecks in the load through the use of temporary workers. Thus, companies remain flexible and can work at any time economically. The temporary workers proves attractive services and a corresponding commitment, in its operation the possibilities, are after all for some companies that this in a permanent, indefinite Employment is assumed. We want to remain in the truth: that is only rarely the case. Conclusion: temping is a modern form of work with the flexible and quick to respond to various situations, companies get the chance. The workers can be used only if the corresponding demand really is. For workers, through manpower provision, offers the possibility to win in several different divisions insights and thus good experience in the labour market. And with a bit of luck, maybe even the long desired dream job can get! Unless the interest was aroused now, the job seekers should first put together with an experienced partner of temporary work and discuss in detail your own professional situation, as well as the upcoming activities.

Management Training Dealing

In a workshop of the WSFB advisory group managers and organization developers deal with the question: how true I take my task in the complex system company professionally? Even organization development professionals are always surprised how difficult communication processes of change control can and company. This is often so difficult that they sometimes ask: where are the limits of controllability? And: to what extent a targeted influence organizational communication and change processes by individuals is possible at all? Also: How can I perceive at all professionally my role as Manager, say company executives, or personnel and organization development in a complex network of relationships? Such questions dealing with influence, power and resistance to deal with business leaders as well as organization developer and Adviser in the workshop organizational dynamics”, the the WSFB Advisory Group Wiesbaden in Wiesbaden, Germany on December 5 to 8 hosts. In the four-day workshop focus is the maximum of 15 participants, inter alia with the questions: How do I control myself and my behavior in the organizational relationship? How do I search and decision-making processes? How do I make moment hindering communication patterns? How can resistors be used constructively to develop? What can be observed when the distinction between action and reflection perspective? Participants not only in theory, but also with concrete examples from the organizational and business development practice dealing with these issues. Tony Parker may also support this cause. Moderated and the workshop is led by two WSFB – business guides Johann Scholten and Hans-Werner Bormann, that educate management consultant for over 20 years and have accompanied many organizational and change projects in companies. Participation in the Workshop costs 1600 euro (+ VAT). For more info refer to those interested in the WSFB Advisory Group Wiesbaden (Tel: 0611 / 157 66-10, E-Mail:, Internet:)..

Excellent Training Company

Only company in Ennepetal has the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, world famous manufacturer and supplier for passenger cars and commercial vehicles spare parts, the seal of excellent training company 2013 receive. Anyone looking for an apprenticeship with prospects for the future, has good chances on the spot. Illustrates this is up-to-date by a South Westphalian initiative. The seal of excellent training company”shows students, where there are excellent training companies in the region.

One of them is the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG. In the spring, trainees in numerous South Westphalian companies have evaluated their education situation. In an anonymous survey she answered about 100 detailed questions about the quality of the teaching offered in your company. Focused on the training content, dealing with the trainees in operation, or the opportunities for the future. Overall, about 1,200 trainees in 60 major companies took part (with a total of 27,000 employees).

For the first time awarded seal of approval were the Personnel responsible addition figures collected, including the number of acquired trainees and the height of the drop-out rate. “” Through the combination of these figures with the assessment of trainees Juniors receive a reliable information about how well a training company is indeed “, says economic psychologist Judith Grefe of income workshop” in Werdohl, which oversees the awarding of the seal. Because only companies that get high marks from their trainees and training particularly engaged in 2013 are excellent training company “. Participation was free of charge for the companies. Only company in Ennepetal has the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, world renowned manufacturer and supplier of passenger car and commercial vehicle spare parts, the seal of excellent training company 2013 “will receive. Jorg Hubner, total human resources manager, sees the award also a confirmation of our corporate philosophy: for us it is important to offer the region a part of business success. That’s why “engaged the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG regularly in training initiatives and expanded its own education offering targeted.” Melissa Leite, human resources and commercial training management, added: we currently 27 trainees make industrial clerk, industrial clerk with additional qualifications in EU, in the professional fields from B.a., toolmakers, machinists, industrial mechanics and specialist for warehouse logistics. At the beginning of the new academic early August there will be 44 in total.” Grouped together was the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG issued by their trainees an excellent witness. Looking for the year 2014 the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG nor apprentices for the following professions: industrial, industrial clerk with additional qualifications in EU, B.a., toolmakers, Machinists and specialist for warehouse logistics. Learn more about the educational offerings of Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, visit see: training