Role of the Internet in modern life can hardly be overestimated. Internet today uses more than 30% of the population, but it's a bit much about 1,500,000,000 people. Back in 1992, they enjoyed a total of 100 people. Planned Internet use for business purposes only. And now? Each student, by running a browser can find the needed information within minutes. About how people spend their time on the Internet, I already wrote, this is not about etom.Rol Internet in the lives of modern people's number of Internet users is growing rapidly. By 2018 the Internet will be almost in every family. TV thing of the past.
Through the Internet will pay utility bills, order food at home, although, in principle, it is already possible today. And most importantly, in the future, many will do their jobs without leaving home, saving this time, which could be carried out with close friends. This time is not far mountains. Allow myself to quote from the president of Conde Nast Karina Dobrotvorskaya Russia: "A year ago, the journalists of print media talked about the Internet as a threat Hides, and all the conference about the invasion of new social media were a funereal character. Now the tone has changed radically. Do not speak about the threat, and the new features.
Discussing is not death, but the development. Previously, 'Paper Soldier' (refers to print media, etc.) tried to wriggle out of online projects from both the additional load. Now fear that they will not let this burden. After all, it will automatically mean that they will not take in the future. " Already the Web is based, many central channels. In the next few years they cease broadcasting on cable TV and limited to broadcast on the network. On the Internet there are many media resources, which can be viewed on your favorite movies and TV series in high quality (HD). Such resources We replaced the VHS tape and DVD, free of charge. The only thing you have to pay a monthly fee for Internet access. Prices for fares quite acceptable, and I think everyone can afford to pay online. Internet plays an important role in the life of modern people, without it already and can not imagine life on Earth. Source Blog "Rhythm of Life":