FAPI: Tourist event or MERE entertainment? The FAPI, Industrial Farming Fair of Ourinhos/SP, became traditional in the region for its magnitude. Known and famous had to the commercial auctions, roundups, estandes, farming expositions, the diversified feeding, and, mainly, by the artistic attractions of quality with frank entrance, it is considered ones of the best fairs of exposition in national scope. In 10 days of fair, the city of Ourinhos receives thousand from visitors, between them tourist with diverse interests, expositors and traders. But it will be that we can classify the FAPI as tourist event? An event to call itself tourist, we must first fill some basic requirements as, to generate income and jobs. The receiving city must be benefited with proportionate the multiplying effect for the Tourism, and, in the case of tourism of events, during and after the event. With this coming of other localities also stimulates the local economy with the injected income and with the jobs temporary indirect right-handers and that, generally, well are remunerated. Thus, answering the question: Yes! The FAPI can be considered a tourist event.
But we enter there in another question. It will be the faithful FAPI to the cited principles above and joust with the community Ourinhos in the terms of local economic development? The reply it is: Not! Not, therefore 300 are disponibilizados on average estandes for rent in the enclosure of the fair for the exploration of commercial economic activity, being busy they in the majority for traders and come expositors of other localities. This if of the one for the fact of the high values charged by you also rent and by not the priority for traders and local expositors to them. The profits gotten for these expositors and traders come of are, are not injected in the city of the event, in the case, Ourinhos, and yes, in the city of origin of the proper ones, therefore, to the ending of the event they come back toward its cities leading the obtained profit, and injecting it there. Another negative point that if detaches in the subject is not use of the tourist infrastructure offered by Ourinhos. This fact occurs in reason of them, expositors and traders of are, to spend the night in proper estandes, inside of the fair, not needing ways of local lodging and transport. At last, the benefits generated for the development of the Tourism are clear and we cannot say that the FAPI does not contribute for the development of the city, therefore it generates jobs and income, it divulges the locality, presenting and stimulating the local commercialization of products and services, among others improvements. However, still the methods of planning of the event would have to be reevaluated, directing it primordially for the progress of the city, thus, the community would take off advantage of including form of all the proportionate advantages for the efficient phenomenon that is the Tourism.