Glauber Persona Rock

The cinema caught influences of the video, the television, and other half miditicos throughout the time. We cannot think about the electronic art, video art, video without this contribution of the used elements in the cinematography dadasta and surrealista. 6. References ANDREW, J. Dudley. The main theories of the cinema: an introduction. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Publishing Zahar, 1989 ARAUJO, Incio. Cinema the world in movement.

So Paulo: Scipione, 1995. BRADLEY, Fiona. Surrealismo- Movements of the modern art. So Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2001. FER, Briony, BATCHELOR, David, WOOD, Paul. Realism, rationalism, surrealismo- the art in the between-wars. So Paulo: Cosac and Naify Editions, 1998.

METZ, Cristian. Significant the imaginary one? psychoanalysis and cinema. Horizontes books, 1980 MICHELI, Mrio. The artistic vanguards. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1991 RICHTER, Hans. Given: art and antiart. They are Pablo: Martins Sources, 1993. VANOYE, Francis, GOLIOT-LT, Anne. Assay on the flmica analysis. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 1994. XAVIER, Ismail. The experience of the cinema. Petrpolis, RIO DE JANEIRO: Publishing company Ltda Voices, 1983. Filmografia: Entr? Acte (1924) Of Ren Clair the Age of the Gold (L' D&#039 acts; or, France, 1930) Of Buuel Luis the Blood of a Poet (Le Sang d' un pote, France, 1930) Of Jean Cocteau When It says to the Heart (Spellbound, U.S.A., 1945) Of Alfred Hitchcock the Beautiful and the Fera (There Belle et there bte, France, 1946) Of Jean Cocteau Hiroshima Mon amour (Hiroshima Mon amour, France/Japan, 1959) Of Alain Resnais the Candy Life (There vita Dolce, Italy/France, 1960) Of Federico Fellini the Year Passed in Marienbad (L' Anne dernire to the Marienbad, France/Italy/Germany/Austria, 1961) Of Alain Resnais the Exterminador Angel (El exterminador ngel, Mexico, 1962) Of Buuel Luis God and the Devil in the Land of the Sun (God and the Devil in the Land of the sun, Brazil, 1964) Of Glauber Persona Rock (Persona, Sweden, 1966) Of Ingmar Bergman the Beautiful of the Afternoon (Belle of jour, France/Italy, 1967) Of Buuel Luis