Working Hours

In the life of freelancers or professionals of YOU that they work in house, one of the biggest difficulties is to know how much to charge for its service. In this branch, it is not treated to have a price, but yes necessarily just competitive. As they work informally and they pay little taxes, these professionals obtain to charge prices well below of the market. However, nor always that is advantage, for the opposite, to charge cheap is one of the main reasons so that freelancers and ' informais' they give up this type of work. Low price charged to the times does not compensate the necessary work and effort for the delivery of a project. But as to arrive at a competitive price? It is possible to concur with structuralized companies? Leaving of the beginning of that you already made the house duty and studied the competition, we go to the steps necessary to have a good performance in the hour to decide how much to charge of its customers. Fixed expenditures Everything what it possesss monthly cost as rent, condominium, electric energy, telephone, fuel and feeding. These expenditures are independent of you to have or not work.

It makes the addition and it sees how much it needs for month to keep its expenditures in day. Changeable expenditures Are the extra expenditures that appear. It is common in the area of YOU, to obtain to execute a project, the necessity to contract a professional, to acquire a new software or machine, among others. Trips and expenditures proceeding from them also enter in this list. Its value Makes an auto-evaluation to discover the value of its man power. What it possesss the favor (certifications, experience, etc) and what it possesss against (little qualification, few tools or structure, etc). It compares with what it is offered in the market and it takes off a base of the value of its services.

United Kingdom

The most optimistic countries Between most optimistic count those of Denmark, where a 68% of the citizens think that the crisis cannot go to more, which supposes six points percentage more than in autumn of 2010; Estonia, with a 64% (6 percentage points more); and Austria, where 62% see favorably the future (also 6 points more). In the opposite side are the three countries rescued by the EU: Portugal (a 80%), Greece (78%) and Ireland (60%), although also Cyprus (63%) and the United Kingdom (61%). If one occurs them to choose to the European between the national government, the EU, the USA, the G20 and the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) like the actors best preparations to respond to the economic and financial crisis more effectively, a 22% of the citizens of the 27 Member States show preference for the European Union, which less supposes a percentage point than in the previous survey. The 20% deposit its hope in the capacity of answer of its government, 15% inclines in favor of international the financial institution, the 14% prefer the joint answer of the G20 and 7% only trust the first world-wide power. The case of the Spaniards, the 19% trust the Government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, although 25% of the survey ones think that the EU is the best one positioned to fight of way ctiva against the crisis. To facilitate the creation of companies the European think that the three better initiatives to foment the competitiveness in the European economy are to improve the education and the professional formation (48%), to reduce to the deficits public and the debt (34%) and to facilitate the constitution of companies (34%), and to invest in investigation and innovation (29%).

The Spaniards clearly choose (in a 49%) to facilitate the creation of companies, followed of the formation and education (48%). The measures that it has promoted or it is driving the EU to face the crisis are considered ctivas by almost eight of each ten European, according to the Eurobarometer. 79% of the survey ones mention in addition the necessity to more coordination between the Member States of the EU, which the block already has begun to foment with concrete measures. Source of the news: 53% of the Spaniards think that the worse thing of crisis is about to arrive