The debut album of the Munich-based singer-songwriter alex sebastian stands shortly before the release of Crowdsponsoring is far from a new phenomenon. The idea that through many small amounts that are paid by supporters for an innovative or creative project, a large whole at all can arise, especially in the United States has gotten around for years. This topic is still in its infancy in Germany. Nevertheless, the Munich-based singer- songwriter alex sebastian was () immediately it enthusiastically: “often I was addressed to, whether there would be my music not on CD. But I shied away from the investment, because that is not negligible. I found the idea appealing, just turn the tables during the music is free think and say: it is good for my music and want it on CD? If you are helping the CD to finance, very happy.” Ninety days later, actually more than 2,500 EUR together had come and so it went to work. Uncompromising production “because I myself am a very demanding listener, was for me clear that compromises do not come, but each piece must get the arrangement that it needs.
“, so alex sebastian. Wherever possible, natural should be instruments instead of today often used computer sound libraries used. Together with the Munich-based arranger and producer Karsten laser has been studied in a more than year-long process, instrument, recorded and mixed until everything fit. “I had the good fortune to find a fabulous producer who knew right off the bat, to enrich my songs with his ideas, without altering the statement and mood with Karsten. He managed to create exactly the sound, which I imagined for each piece had. “, thinks of itself producing artists. Variety has come out in the foreground a typical work for the musicians: alex sebastian does not set, because nothing is more boring than pabulum for him as he prevails in large parts of the music industry.