Physical Limitations

But it has a small detail. If an aged one to leave to declare its Income tax, the Law will come to its encalce. finally still in the same television channel, that for signal was very happy in the news article. A case of aged vacant use of parking for and deficient physicists. Two men, for signal very strong. Simply they had parked the car in a vacant for aged. Inquired regarding the irregular parking, they had answered that he was not to full had thus been innumerable situations of disrespect to the Law that supports the aged ones.

E remains then the question. What to make? I believe that the example of the walk gay the So Paulo Avenue, in the Atlantic Avenue in Saints or in another place, the aged ones would have to make a well humorada walk, denouncing this type of situation. Charging of that councilman that it all came humble to ask for the vote of the family. To charge the canvasser that came to ask for to votes and an allowance for expenses for the campaign of the councilman and the member of the house of representatives. To charge the mayor of its city a more energetic position, also the speaker of the house of Councilmen.

To demand of the Ministry I publish, in the person of the Accuser, its Judicial district that it makes to fulfill what he is written in the Law, therefore it, Promotional is our Guard of the Law. He only remains in them to lament that equal examples to the cited ones in the news article of the television channel, either a daily constant in Brazil, detainer of the eighth or seventh economy of the last world and in respect to the Rights of the Aged ones, Gestantes and Pessoas with Physical Limitations. Meanwhile we travel for China, for Greece, therefore its retirement is assured and it will never go to use a crowded bus, a fedido and old subway.

Walter Leibowitz

From century twenty and three it only is that the nature if calmed and a new social order appeared in the world. We Suddenly, Walter Leibowitz and the shelter had disappeared and we saw in them inside of the machine of the time. – What it can happen now? It inquired Karen. Been silent, we are observing the numbers of the calendar. The years had come back stop backwards and finally it stopped accurately in the day where we leave. Olavo opened the door of the machine and leaves. – They are all good? It asked.

– Unhappyly some anomalies in the rescue process had happened. – We go to have that to fix this. Jeremias said. Suddenly a ventania invaded the room, spreading papers and knocking down things. Two men black color dresses, with a mask against gases in the face, had appeared suddenly. One of them pointed a device with respect to we and in the same instant we are paralyzed, without being able putting into motion in them or speaking.

The other citizen, said some thing in a device that had to be a species of telephone, saying what they seemed to be co-ordinated. After that, in a lightning, the two men, the machine of the time had disappeared, documents, devices and instruments. After that, we come back to the normal one. Olavo looked at around, frightened. – What it happened? Who was those men? – Policemen of the future. Jeremias said. – In the future it goes to be forbidden to travel in the time. – They destruiram everything! But, she does not advance, we we can construct another machine! – How? She inquired Jeremias. – We do not have more the projects and I do not remember of as we construct. You remember all the details? Olavo thought one instant and shook the head. – Not! Drug! I do not obtain to remember! – I find that they had erased of our memory! Jeremias said. – It is better thus. It affirmed Karen. – I go to take a bath. It said and left the room. – At least we have a history to count for our grandsons. I spoke. Antonio stegues baptist

Historical Preservation

This capital book, the fact poseerlo-to read it, you only distance to us of those who can observe screens. Calculation that the apparent one confused plots makes glimpse like a difficult novel, in that case I have not been known to explain well, the night of the oracle lacks complication, is simple in spite of its degree of depth, the complicated one, in any case, I am I. LPDM16 p 4, 5 April 2005. – Blog LNFV – 20 of April of 2009. – And to read the telephone directory The Night of the Oracle Paul Auster Anagram In jodido problem I put when wanting to comment this book, I have been reading although it for one week still I do not visualize by where facing the subject. In full knowledge that it had to work in this subject, and as it was reading the night of the oracle, it took notes. Something that I do not like too much since I prefer to enjoy the book and later to begin to digress on the subject. The novel deals with a novel that is within another novel – jejejeje-, to have if they understand to me: Auster raises the history of a writer Sidney Orr who finishes leaving the hospital they have given where it by dead, recovers even though of the prognoses.

In its long walks – still weak the Palace of Paper is with the bookstore property of Mr. Chang who sells a blue Portuguese notebook to him, this event brings about in Orr a desire to write again, and leaves its long creative inactivity. The history that begins to narrate in the notebook is the one of a called personage Bowen who changes radically of life after a gargoyle, when falling, kills almost it, leaves to his wife without warning and travels to another city where he finds a job in the Office of Historical Preservation offered by a taxi driver, the place is hidden, is an anti-atomic refuge and the data who must preserve are not another thing but that telephone directories of all parts of the world and different times.