Internet Really

Nowadays many companies began to pay people to answer paid surveys is a great way to gather opinions so you can develop new products and bring them to market. Why is that answer Internet surveys became so fashionable. But you can really make money online answering surveys? What is surprising is that if! It is a new way to get extra income. For more information see this site: Marc Lasry. A questionnaire common you will approximately take between ten and forty minutes to finish it. Although it will really depend on how long this is. And it also is true that some companies will pay more and other less. Anna Belknap has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Begin to fill out paid surveys is easy. The key is to find a good list of companies that pay you for your opinion. This is achieved in web sites that sell these lists since it took a work of research and collection. Once get this list, you have to create a mailbox, and complete your profile in different companies. This way the surveys that you will reach will be mass-produce your personality and your preferences as a consumer. Some companies pay you with prizes, but best of all is that most of these pay you via check.

These you get to your House in an envelope, and then change them for cash. Well, if you really are interested in getting a money bonus, I recommend you to enter on the next link to find a good list of companies that pay for your opinion. Buying one of these lists, now you’ll be ready to start your adventure and are going to be able to make money online in a fairly easy manner.

Nightingale Times

Many times the soul would like to talk so let’s not assume what she thinks, would like to shout the truth that soul, carries in her womb so that we do not especulemos what they speculate how many times our silent would like to stop being silent, taking body and dress in polyglot and fill and leaves spaces with voices, screams and writings to tell us how human we arethe flat that we are to think, assume and speculate what we think, we assume and we speculate about it, maybe I would remind us that stupidity is a disease that only affects humans. Many times the soul cry your impotence show before us, become visible in these stupid eyes that we have and that does not help us to locate it though many do not look for in life in life we we journey between peaks and precipices, know the success and defeat, know of aurora and Zenith, that pleomorphism, gives an enigmatic complexion to life, but it would be monotonous and boring Solomon used to say that there are times of triumphs and there are times of defeat,… That there are times of joy and times of sadness, the wisdom of this King allowed him to distinguish these stages in the life of people deny it would be madness!, because it is the reality as well as it would be madness not to adapt to each stage is our survival! Man has this immense ability to regenerate silent tissue of his spirit! and some men have this vocation to express their stages, their feelings, thoughts sorrows, their anxieties, dreams in words! why is said that the word is the midwife of thought that is of those voices that are caged in the silent histology of the soul, the prosepoetry, literature, personal, they are voices intimate of each person, some have the virtue of making them very beautiful and they transcend, in others they remain as our inner voices, swamped in the personal limitations. All write not reading us for ever or for us to read by different parts of the Earth, many do it because they are impulses or needs, such as volcanos which expel lava!, soul expel verses the verses roll down slopes up to do nothing and be covered by the Earth, other verses are long-lived and survive above the Earth that are divinely beautiful and thats the explanation of these verses and these prose are like roses that marchitaran when the garden is desert, such as trills that silence when the Nightingale die, like splendor that darken when the sun sinks into the ocean, as voices that enmudeceran when my lips get together in the perigee..


The Kingdom of heaven will be like a man who, to undertake a trip, called his servants and entrusted them their goods. Gave one five talents, to another two, and to another only one talent, each according to its capacity. Then it was travel. Who had received the five talents was immediately and negotiated with them and gained another five talents. Likewise, which received two talents won another two talents. But who had received the one talent went, dug a hole in the ground and hid the talent of his Lord.

After a long time the Lord of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. Who had received the five talents came with the other five talents. Lord, said, you charged me five talents. Filed under: Vladislav Doronin. Look, I have gained five more talents. His Lord said to him: you did well, good and faithful servant! In what little have been faithful; will put you in charge of much more. Come and share the joy of your Lord! Came also received two talents.

Lord, informed, you charged me two talents. Look, I have gained two more talents. His Lord answered him, did well, good and faithful servant! Thou hast been faithful in what little; will put you in charge of much more. Come and share the joy of your Lord! Then came who had received only one talent. Lord, he explained, I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and picks up where has not spread. So I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, here is what is theirs. But his master answered him: bad and lazy servant! Do so you know that harvested where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered? Because you should have deposited my talent in the somewhere else, so that upon my return would have received it with interest. Remove the talents and give them to him who has the ten talents. Because everyone who has, more shall be given, and will have in abundance. Will be removed that has no up to what you have. And that useless servant outside, throw him into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Consider, for a moment which of the three servants have been during our lives and if we have used for the good that God has given us? or simply we are spending life without penalty or glory.

Christmas Season

Today Saturday, December 3, the Park Isla Magica returns to open their doors, thus starting the Christmas season. On our website already has available a complete offer for our hotels in Seville – Mount Carmel and Monte Triana – which offer a wide possibility to enjoy the theme park Isla Magica. Thus, you will find two large possibilities: spend 1 or 2 nights in any of our hotels, accompanied by the entrances to the Park. Within each of these possibilities, you can choose according to the dates of your visit, to the option of only lodging or accommodation, breakfast and parking.Today begins the Christmas season of Isla Magica these possibilities, we insist, they are regulated by the date to choose. Likewise, within the Magic Island package: hotel + tickets, you’ll enjoy extra bed in the room, making your room double in triple. To know the entire offering of our magical island package: hotel + tickets can do so through the following link, from where also you can directly access the booking engine on our website. PACK ISLA MAGICA HOTEL + TICKETS