Thus, the filler Glas, with glass, is characterized by high mechanical strength, and therefore it is recommended to fill deeper irregularities. The length of the fibers in it are not very big – about 1-1.5 cm vymeshivat This allows her as well as all other types of fillers, namely – chopping motions, trying to squeeze out the air mass. Putty is very durable, so you can patch up even small pockets of rust. However, at large surfaces where the metal 'plays' (for example, the roof of the car) use this type of filler is not worth it, because it is completely inelastic. Optimal use of space – pillar sills, arches and other details of the bottom of the car. Alu – Putty with particles of aluminum – a fairly universal product.
Because of its very fine structure (perhaps one of the most fine-grained coatings), can fill even very minor scratches. The risk Education chipped in places of transition from fine-finish surface to neshpaklevannoy minimal. At the same time, is characterized by high mechanical strength. Especially recommended for work on horizontal surfaces, subjected to temperature effects (such as hood of the car) due to high content of aluminum, it has a coefficient of thermal expansion close to the same value of the metal. This allows prevent cracking and peeling in places puttying. Putty least prone to shrinkage: filling in the form of aluminum powder is unable to saturate a large amount of solvent. The lightweight filler Leicht 30% lighter than conventional fillers.