Excellent Training Company

Only company in Ennepetal has the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, world famous manufacturer and supplier for passenger cars and commercial vehicles spare parts, the seal of excellent training company 2013 receive. Anyone looking for an apprenticeship with prospects for the future, has good chances on the spot. Illustrates this is up-to-date by a South Westphalian initiative. The seal of excellent training company”shows students, where there are excellent training companies in the region.

One of them is the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG. In the spring, trainees in numerous South Westphalian companies have evaluated their education situation. In an anonymous survey she answered about 100 detailed questions about the quality of the teaching offered in your company. Focused on the training content, dealing with the trainees in operation, or the opportunities for the future. Overall, about 1,200 trainees in 60 major companies took part (with a total of 27,000 employees).

For the first time awarded seal of approval were the Personnel responsible addition figures collected, including the number of acquired trainees and the height of the drop-out rate. “” Through the combination of these figures with the assessment of trainees Juniors receive a reliable information about how well a training company is indeed “, says economic psychologist Judith Grefe of income workshop” in Werdohl, which oversees the awarding of the seal. Because only companies that get high marks from their trainees and training particularly engaged in 2013 are excellent training company “. Participation was free of charge for the companies. Only company in Ennepetal has the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, world renowned manufacturer and supplier of passenger car and commercial vehicle spare parts, the seal of excellent training company 2013 “will receive. Jorg Hubner, total human resources manager, sees the award also a confirmation of our corporate philosophy: for us it is important to offer the region a part of business success. That’s why “engaged the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG regularly in training initiatives and expanded its own education offering targeted.” Melissa Leite, human resources and commercial training management, added: we currently 27 trainees make industrial clerk, industrial clerk with additional qualifications in EU, in the professional fields from B.a., toolmakers, machinists, industrial mechanics and specialist for warehouse logistics. At the beginning of the new academic early August there will be 44 in total.” Grouped together was the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG issued by their trainees an excellent witness. Looking for the year 2014 the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG nor apprentices for the following professions: industrial, industrial clerk with additional qualifications in EU, B.a., toolmakers, Machinists and specialist for warehouse logistics. Learn more about the educational offerings of Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, visit see: training


Display is not out of shame and existential angst. The digital age of the Internet shows its unpleasant side. The number of unreported cases of extortion and threats to the clientele of the horizontal industry go into the tens of thousands. Once trapped the victims the blackmailers vulnerable purchasable love is as old as mankind and actually basically nothing objectionable. A variety of offerings in the Internet and relevant advertisements make relatively easy selection of adventure. Prostitutes, call girls and escorts sorted on the sexual preferences and orientations refer to the favor of customers.

The clientele come from all social strata of the society. The entrepreneur, Manager, millionaire as well as the Jet set, the high society, husbands and wives all of those who can afford this expensive pleasure. Secret meetings, home or hotel visits involve risks which can effectively disrupt the future life and destroy. Extortion postions are home and hotel visits are still a taboo subject in this day and age. In the age of Smartphones and increasing digitalization is almost impossible to leave no traces in such Affairs.

Who neglected arrangements makes blackmailed with the blackmailers know very exactly what information is important and useful. Disclose personal information in a relaxed mood, forgotten credit card and hotel bills, business cards, cell phone numbers, secret video and photo shoots but also that are arriving by car the lead relatively simple clues to identify the later blackmail victims. Is flown on the identity and the social status of the blackmailers know exactly when, what and how much to pick up it. The higher the social status the demands are higher. The victim will be contacted via email, phone or SMS. This is the family, the wife or the husband usually, threatened to inform the employer or the public. Everyone has to lose something intimidating that not miss their effect after all. Once pay means may always pay. A vicious cycle of the one not more so out comes. The perpetrators have in most cases little to fear. Fearing threat to existence is waived in most cases on a display. The blackmailers can calmly go on while the affected long lives his life in fear. Multiple extortions are not uncommon.

Western Bohemia

At 170 kilometers from Prague, on a bend of the Vltava River, Czech Krumlov is located, founded in 1250. This is where the medieval Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque buildings have retained their original appearance, where there is a special spirit, inherent in the old Czech castles. Additional information is available at Vanessa Marcil. As a venue for a wedding ceremony, you can select one or more rooms, and you can organize a celebration in the open air, under blue skies, close to nature. Do you want your wedding to become a real medieval feast? K Distinctive features colorful costumes, tailored in the fashion of those times when the Czech Krumlov was a major social and economic center of the estate Rosenbergs. The drumbeat of solemn music and you hand in hand with a loved one exit from the castle to enjoy the ride in a luxury coach and enjoy the surroundings and make a number of ancient wedding ceremonies. In Western Bohemia on the river rises the huge stone Ohe Loket castle, surrounded by small town of striking buildings.

The former royal residence, is considered one of the most romantic places in the country. On the streets noble knights fought for their beautiful women, he walked the corridors of the kings and emperors of the Roman Empire in its walls, they say, are still living ghost – actually quite harmless for the guests of the castle. Wedding in Loket – this whole costume show with the participation of fencers, musicians and actors. You immerse yourself in a world of medieval wedding in the Czech Republic and at the time can forget about the modern world.