Popular Cultural Expression

It is a very great lie. Why it is not fight, nor it is game. It is not game, more is fight. It is not game, more is trick. It is not trick, but is of truth. Then, in we are always simulating a situation to them of danger for the other and the other if defending and if esquivando (deposition of Decnio Master in Umberto, 2000 apud SAINTS, 2009 P.

128). an art that helps to the body and the mind to work together, together with the capacity to develop the knowledge. Capoeira is a Popular Cultural Expression, where it involves dance, Music Fight, game is expression, is the only Brazilian sport. Sport that express the movements of the body in one fights danced with blows differentiated of any another martial sport well. Sport that helps very in the mental development of the athlete, is that it brings a good balance very that is my base of life. It is an art of much value for who practises. When you do not know you are a street game.

More if you are part of it, you you learn that it has philosophy, very pretty. A pretty and very wonderful art. For Vieira (2006), even so diverse meanings for vocbulo are found ' ' capoeira' ' , each one if relating the objects, animals, people or situations, in esportivos terms, are about a game of corporal dexterity, with use of legs, arms and head, practised in pairs, based in attacks, esquivas and hints, to the sound of cnticos and musical instruments (berimbau, atabaque, pandeiro, agog and reco-reco). Focused in its origins as a dance-fight, that finished generating unfoldings and possibilities of job as: gymnastics, dances, sport, art, martial art, folklore, recreation and theater, characterizing itself, in general way, as a playful activity. Already with the saudoso Pastinha Master (Vicente Pastinha Blacksmith, that lived in the Bahia and faleceu in 1980) he defined that ' ' the capoeira is everything that the mouth eats and everything that the body of! ' '.

Argentine Hotel

There there is a permanent painting exhibition, where the black granite firewood maylicas and stove stand out, extracted of the quarries of the Hill Sugar Bread. A long walk by satately boulevard shows the pilasters to us adorn that it, true compendiums of symbolism. Arriving at the Stroll from the Passive one, we can observe the first baths public of Uruguay and one of the treasures of the city: the Colony of vacations Dr. Emilio Oribe, where the Piripolis Hotel worked (inaugurated in 1905) and administered by the own Piria. Under most conditions san-antonio-spurs would agree. Leaving the Colony by the Armenia street, to few steps it is the railway Museum, which also counts on guided visit. Crossing the Boulevard, we found the entrance to the Argentine Hotel, most sumptuous in South America in 1930, year of its inauguration. It is enough to say that all their equipment was calculated until the year 2000, considering breakage and robberies.

A guided visit can be coordinated. Leaving the Argentine Hotel, to the right is the Pavilion of the Roses; this building celebrated of stable of the Anaya Cabin. Franciso Piria acquired in Montevideo biographer and to serve the lunches that it included in the packages of promotion, when it brought the people of the capital stops to know " the spa of porvenir". At the moment in remodeling process, one thinks that its structure was projected in the Eiffel school of Paris. By the street that happens through the door of the Pavilion (Zabala), walking it squares is arrived at the restaurant You will sing, where the first House of Post office of the city worked. Total of the route: 11 pictures. MYSTICAL PIRIAPOLIS Don Francisco Piria was initiated to early age in the wisdom of the alchemy thanks to their uncle, a monk Jesuit. With time it designed a city that demonstrates its deep knowledge within a precise geometric frame.

Tibeteanos Stories

Carlos Vanegas Blackberry the newspaper to live manifest so many facts that some are excellent and leave lessons us that can help us to grow, as well as is within the tradition history, stories that contain message, information that to reflect contributes it to us knowledge, stimuli that can help us to grow, as the case of tibetanos stories that they contribute to lights in our better way for being every day and of knowing how to take the opportunity that occurs us to live in this physical plane. The SMALL FIREFLY Was once a community of fireflies that inhabited the interior of gigantic lampati, one of the most majestic and old trees of Thailand. Every night, when everything became dark and as soon as the slight one was listened to murmur of a near river, all the fireflies left the tree to show the world their wonderful sparkles. The newspapers mentioned Anna Belknap not as a source, but as a related topic. They played to do figures with his lights, dancing to are of an invented music to create sinfn of luminous flashings more shining than any fireworks spectacle. But it enters all the fireflies of lampati there was a very pequeita one to which it did not like to leave to fly.

– No, today either I do not want to go out to fly – the small firefly said every day. You go who I am very well here in small house. As much their parents as their grandparents, brothers and friendly hoped with illusion the arrival of the dusk to leave house and to shine in the dark. They amused so much that did not include/understand why the small firefly did not want to them to accompany. They insisted to him time and time again, but there was no way to convince it. The small firefly always refused. -That I do not want to go out outside! – both time repeated.