Teacher is a learner who goes ahead with exciting example. Who drives children back with the whip, which is Caricature of a teacher. It has started school but just the lessons. SCHOOL – Latin SCHOLA – Greek. SCHOLAE – comes from Greek. ECHEIN = HAVE. When the ancient Greeks were so busy, that they no longer all (five senses beisammen) had they splurged to SCHOLAE: the pause, the Wiederzusichkommen, the Wiedermitsicheinswerden, the rest for themselves and their good development. It is not difficult to realize that we have done exactly the opposite result.
Woe betide if one takes out the freedom in the classroom, to pause, to come back to himself, to become one with yourself! You probably don’t, then says with a threatening undertone. What would happen if the child in our curriculum correctional facility with one? Wouldn’t come out then, how little one with our curriculum officers are self? Not a conflict to light, which anyway always smolders underground would be: that which the children still with them one in an artificial, sterile world come where them with even divided adults impose constantly abstract loads to similarly torn, split, to make sick people, as they already are? It is known that the teacher in the Kranheitsstatistik are at the top of the top flight. And it is on over due with what force they carried away the children in the wake of their sick. The increase in the diseases of school children was worrying more than years ago. Nobody cares about. It will be carried out on the curriculum, come what may, and unless a child still living. We make even more pressure than ever before and abstract discussions about the usual problem templates.
Now the legislature gave a clear mandate the parents, which is the top concern for their child: you should send their child to school. In the school, not in the Unterrichtsvollzusanstalt. As ICH-can school teacher I find it amazing, how has no one with us laws. Even more amazed me but their own health as all involved and the other to ruin and the possible LERNergebnisse keep shutting down on a level that already every description mocks. This level is also disproportionate to the fact given potentials, talents, abilities of all participants. How do you bypass only nmit so good talents so badly? How can an a country with its most important raw material: mind, so go to? Teacher – ye student – parents, just to continue your top spot in disease and degeneration. You could expand but also reverse and finally the yet existing forces of your Intellingenz. Let’s see what happens. I wish – Sun or Sun – good success. Franz Joseph nephew ICH-can school teacher