Private Homes

What good is a private house? In big cities, it all depends on everyone. And all depend on each other. But how rarely we can boast that they are free and can 'spit' on the neighbors, Zheka – excuse me – UZhKHaki, administration, heating, water supply, gas supply and light. Of course, living in the private sector in their own homes, too, are dependent on many factors. But how these factors are small and insignificant we, the citizens of the glorious city of Evpatoria, understand in the summer.

Factor number 1. Water. Indeed the very first of the first. Water – this is a major resort towns. Its never enough. And even if it is missing and then it does not mean that all the missing. Therefore, in the summer resort towns in the Specifically, in Yalta, in the, pardon the expression, well-furnished houses, water is supplied strictly on the clock: 2:00 in the morning when everyone else is asleep, and 2:00 in the evening when the entertainment is in full swing and the house is almost empty.

Add to this problems taking a shower, visit the WC, and an unattractive picture emerged. Unfortunately, all this evil is true, if you do not have bolernoy system, and this is the first step to freedom. However, residents of the private sector, in this case, residents Old Town, this problem did not bother having full water taps around the clock. It is not difficult to understand that holodnvya water, and hot – a sign of a certain freedom in the hottest time of year. Factor number 2. Earth. Imagine that after a hard, tedious work of leisure at the resort (sea, beaches, medical treatment, entertainment …) you go home. You lucky enough, if you live at an acceptable floor (up three) and get low, and if the above? Elevators have almost never work.

The Expert

Not surprisingly, we find us with a great number of people facing emotional, psychological problems and even health not knowing face and properly manage its relationship with the work. Them forget that they must know to take life beyond of what offers work, they should enjoy their moments, free, share them with family, friends, nature, with everything that will help them to grow, especially in the spiritual. We know that the work is a constitutional right and a way of accessing a level optimal quality of life for our family, a form of realization and own enrichment and staff, that all can access, the problem is that this not enslave us, nor violates our life in the psychic and physical, must know also exploit the present, every minute of our life in all those actions that help us to be increasingly better and enjoy the opportunity to live. There is an anecdote, tale, which can help you understand the importance of knowing how to handle the situation. A single tourist walks along the beach, enjoying the tranquility and the solitary atmosphere of the early hours of the morning. But it takes not to realize that a fisherman from the town, lying in the shadow of your boat is also found in this scenario. This begins to cross-examine the poor fisherman, asking why it isn’t working, as it should be.

The fisherman, answers that today was lucky: he has already obtained a great fishing and has sold it to the fishmonger for a good price. In his opinion, he won already more than enough money for today. Then the tourist is shocked and warns the fisherman must pay more attention to future eventualities: it is possible that not always have as much luck as today and, therefore, it would be convenient to save money for the bad times. Moreover, the fisherman must think about his family in the event of a serious accident and must also save for a possible disaster. The fisherman explains that he knows well his work, with all the tricks and, therefore, confident that you pescara always sufficient, although perhaps not as much as today. And if happen worse – that God wants not! – there is no why despair; After all, has many relatives and good friends who no doubt would be willing to help your family in case of bad luck. Meanwhile, the tourist suggests the fisherman that you should use your time to the maximum, rather than remain idle; It could thus fish most every day. The extra money on this fishery could invest in modern equipment to fish even more and get more revenue.

In this way, the fisherman could invest more money, and eventually purchased a good boat, and so on after some fantasies, the expert in development in power is already imagining the purchase of helicopters to bring fresh supplies to the chain of luxury restaurants specialized in fish. Fisher interrupted his monologue to ask him why they must pass both work for such development. At this point, the developmental amateur feels triumphant: If you manage all this, will have enough money to do everything that you want the rest of your life, have more time for your family, more leisure time and more money to give them tastes who want. That’s all very well replied the fisherman but thats what I am already doing invite to reflections as you are driving their working relationship, which has actually achieved this and that way has provided more benefits than problems.

Podmoskovny Leisure Centre

Events are held in various formats and, of course, not only in the premises, but also in nature. And if there is a need to combine workshops, entertainment and sports programs, a better location than suburban boarding house, not to find. Where else but in the recreation center, you can relax, enjoy the fresh air, socialize with peers and participate in specially organized events! Many modern B & Bs are focused not only on vacation, but also for active sports programs, allowing escape from mental activity and spend the weekend with health benefits. And since we are talking about team-building, such activities will help transform an ordinary working team in this team that can solve all its tasks – easily, with pleasure, and inexhaustible energy. Podmoskovny recreation center Bekasovo ” provides many opportunities for team-building programs. Firstly, there is everything that people can relax from everyday problems, enjoy nature and fresh air, enjoy the spa – procedures, to swim in the pool, hold a series of classes in the gym. Secondly, the pension has two conference rooms and ten classrooms that can accommodate from 30 to 300 people.

In them it is convenient to conduct business events – from seminars to presentations, and, of course, that lovely space for corporate meetings, aimed at rallying the team. In this case, customers do not have to worry about the delivery of essential city Equipment – Bekasovo offers everything that can be used at such meetings: wi-fi internet access, flip charts, multimedia projectors with screens, TV, video, professional audio equipment and even services engineer. Undertake team building possibly with the participation of the local organizers, professionals, having rich experience of this kind. And in order to stay in a boarding house was even more vivid and interesting, corporate entertainment program could include a concert or show, organized by professionals from Bekasovo. And finally, the food. Podmoskovny Leisure Centre offers a varied menu for banquets, receptions, coffee breaks. And if the plans of the guests include noisy gatherings around a campfire – the tents for a barbecue and barbecue gazebo ready to accept even a big company. Rest complex “Bekasovo” – a perfect venue for timbildingovyh events.

Its location has several advantages. On the one hand, it is sufficiently far from the city that allows you to change the situation, to plunge into the world of nature and comfortable to spend the weekend. On the other – Good road, consuming no more than an hour, and convenient access to the territory, which provides free secure parking for vehicles. Guests are invited to a boarding house accommodation in rooms of different categories – as in high-rise building, and the “Turkish house and wooden cottages. Opportunity to rest over the weekend will allow employees to gain strength before the next week, and conducted team activities will increase efficiency and effectiveness of future work. Team building – not just a new word in modern life. This entire policy, used wisely leaders to rally the team of his company. This is an opportunity move forward and confront the most serious challenges even in the current crisis.