Stephen Hawking

In this way, extracting the theories that falsifies the real motivations human beings it only is that one becomes possible to get the knowledge of the true reasons of the actions of this. Scientific and not scientific theory a scientific theory is the corollary of an abstract hypothetical-deductive system, which if constitutes in an explanation or scientific description of a related set of comments or experiments. In such a way, a scientific theory is based on estimated hypotheses or verified by independent groups of scientists. It has times where a hypothesis total is not confirmed, but only in part, what it leads to the necessity to review the hypothesis and to remake experiments, until perfecting a coherent explanation. A scientific theory can result in some verified scientific laws from its consequences, deduced of the theory. Such laws start to be part of estimated and the basic hypotheses of the theory, that will be included to the accepted knowledge for the scientific community of the field of knowledge in question. In relation to this subject, Stephen Hawking affirms: ' ' A theory is good if it satisfies two requirements: a model must on the basis of describe with precision an extensive category of comments that only contains one few arbitrary elements and must carry through concrete predictions on the results of comments futuras.' ' (HAWKING, 1988) Still: ' ' Any physical theory is always provisory, in the direction of that it is only one hypothesis that never can be proven. It does not matter how many times the results of the experiments agree to a theory, if it never can have the certainty of that of the next time they will contradict it to the results. On the other hand, a theory with the meeting of an only comment can be refuted that is in disagreement with the predictions of mesma' ' (IDEM, 1988).