Device Tilting

Author (you are): Camila Fernanda Marmontel Blacksmith; Joyce Mara Gimenes Gandara Silva; Lisandra Lion of Oliveira; Marcelo Cesar Polioni Experiment 1 – Tilting 1? Introduction the concept of reduction of costs in all the industrial processes has been continuously developed, with the objective to become the more competitive companies each time. In the productive chain of matrices and molds this concern is not different, a time that, to more take care of to the increasing demand for sophisticated products each time, with ' ' design' ' bold and in accord with the yearnings of the market, these have that to be developed with agility and of form if to launch, quickly, the end item for sales to the consuming market. Operation of lathe the operations carried through in the experiment had been: Spot facing: In this case the movement of advance of the tool if of the one in the normal direction to the axle of rotation of the part. It has for purpose to get a plain surface. Longitudinal tilting (or cilindragem): Operation of tilting where if it gets one cylindrical, coaxial geometry to the rotation center. It can be external or internal (generation of a pipe).

Conical surfaces can be gotten of similar form, with adjusted orientation of the car toolholder. Mechanical lathe the machine tool used for execution of tilting is the lathe. Slide bars: base that contains the guides who lead the car in longitudinal motion, parallel to the work axle. Fixed headstock: Compartment where if it locates a cone of pulleys that receive the rotation transmitted for the motor cone. The plate of the lathe, used for the setting of the located one in the fixed headstock. Mobile headstock: Device mounted on the used slide bars stops: ) to fix parts between way points to diminish the flambagem of parts esbeltas during the tilting, Main Car: The advance of the main car can be manual or automatic.

Plant Propagation

In according to place, to have success in the propagation, if the knowledge needs the structure and the mechanisms of growth of the plants. This if can say that it constitutes? science of the propagation. The spreader can acquire part of this information in empirical way when working with the proper plants, but it must be completed with formal courses of botany, horticulture, genetics and vegetal physiology. This knowledge helps the spreader to understand because of the things that make, to execute them better and to solve problems unexpected. One third requirement to be to have success in the propagation of plants, is to know the diverse classrooms of them and some methods with that they can spread. To a large extent, the used method must be adjusted to the classroom of plant that if propagates and to the conditions where if it carries through.

The propagation of plants is a basic occupation of the humanity. Probably the civilization if initiated when the old man learned to sow and to cultivate certain types of plants that satisfied its nutritional necessities and of its animals. In the measure where it advanced the civilization, it was adding to the diversity of plants other cultivos, not only nourishing, but also those that provided flowers, medicines, leisure and ornamentao to it. The improvement of the plants at the time current was preceded by a great progress in the election of the same ones. Our cultivated plants if had originated mainly for three general methods.

First some had been selected directly of wild species, but, under the care of the Man, they had evolved? types? that they differed completely from its ancestral Sylvesters; as example of this group the tomatoe, the barley and the rice can be cited. Second, others had originated for hibridao between species, folloied of changes in the number of chromosomes. In this group if they find the maize, the wheat, the tobacco, the pear tree and the plum tree. Third, it appears another group of plants whose rare forms differ from excessively from its species and which, even so inadaptadas to a natural environment are useful to Man; between them they are the cabbage, the broccolis, borecole-of-Brussels. However, this progress in the improvement of plants would have lacked of importance the least that, simultaneously, if makes use of methods to keep in culture the improved forms, which originated a process of invention and discovery of techniques for propagation of plants. Most of the cultivated plants if would lose or revert the forms less desirable, the least that if propagated in controlled conditions capable to preserve its characteristics. Through the time, in the measure where if it has made use of new types of plants, if they had developed techniques to keep them, as if it advanced in the propagation methods, has increased the amount of available plants for culture. An ideal type of propagation for the majority of the fruitful plants is the vegetative one, that is, that one in which one has left of the plant, already in production, either one bubbles, one breaks, a prop or a branch (yoke), is used to originate a new plant. Many plants, however, must or can be propagated by seeds, but almost always he is disadvantageous. The propagation for seeds is used when the ways of vegetative propagation are not possible, as for the coconut palm and other palms, that can be propagated way seed, or other plants, in which the seminfera propagation does not bring many problems to its culture, as the mamoeiro, maracujazeiro, or species that are precocious.

Glauber Persona Rock

The cinema caught influences of the video, the television, and other half miditicos throughout the time. We cannot think about the electronic art, video art, video without this contribution of the used elements in the cinematography dadasta and surrealista. 6. References ANDREW, J. Dudley. The main theories of the cinema: an introduction. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Publishing Zahar, 1989 ARAUJO, Incio. Cinema the world in movement.

So Paulo: Scipione, 1995. BRADLEY, Fiona. Surrealismo- Movements of the modern art. So Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2001. FER, Briony, BATCHELOR, David, WOOD, Paul. Realism, rationalism, surrealismo- the art in the between-wars. So Paulo: Cosac and Naify Editions, 1998.

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