
Topware announces an action-adventure. But distance from the romantic cliches are the pirates in it. A pirate wearing an eye patch, otherwise he would be nobody. Could be, but still top merchandise goes even further away from the Hollywood cliches. The shallow and romantic entertainment of a Caribbean curse or a red Corsairs have no place in the upcoming title of Publisher. Pirates are dirty, cowardly, and common Raven s cry. The responsible for the title Developer Studio octane games want to make the game as realistic as possible. Model for the action-adventure is the 17th century, the wedding of piracy in the Caribbean.

The Finns promise to represent the world as ruthlessly as possible. This is true of the fighting for two, as well as the naval battles, of which there are reportedly some. Tony Parker may also support this cause. The story itself begins like many stories: the massacre of his family can be kindled in Christopher Raven unbridled revenge. The culprits are pirates and is accountable to it. A nobleman but not inevitably remains Raven and the players lest also. Again and again one must ask his conscience, how far you can go. Revenge can make blind for the fate of innocent bystander.

So that not only the hardness of the pirate life seems realistic, takes the game to authentic locations. These include port Royale, Havana or London as well as sunken Aztec Temple. And also the arms are historically represented and abundant. The trailer of Raven’s cry still shows nothing, suggests but how feels the atmosphere of the game. To find he’s on the tea page. The release for PC and next-gen consoles is planned in the spring of 2012.


In addition to being a prolific and successful writer (Return to the Scene of the Crime, To Serve and Collect Shattered Innocence, among others), Richard Lindberg is also a good friend of mine. However, one day read on its Web site an article yours that was the writer’s block and that put our friendship to the test. Like many writers who earn a living with your art, I too had sterile periods, a euphemism to qualify these dreadful hours that one stays in white in front of a sheet or your computer. Things do not occur him so naturally in the usual way, and in the worst cases, anything not happens. Richard, more than anyone, should have been sensitive to this nightmare that the writers know all. However, this is what he believed in this regard: I have never believed in the writer’s block.

It does not exist. There are only vague writers. It never occurred to me that Richard might have reason. I was too busy basking me on my justified indignation and wishing him that is was cut creativity leads to him also. But now I’m completely agree with him and I guess that, when reading this article, other writers curse my progression as I cursed by Richard. In my opinion, the writer’s block is due to the excessive trust that is attributed to the concept of inspiration. We usually represent the creativity like a wave that flooded us with genius and leaves glossy content in our sheet or in our word processor when he retired.

That you do not misunderstand me! It is a feeling that I have already experienced and is really stimulating. But it is not the norm, and therefore do not feel inspired, certain writers simply don’t write. This is fatal if one is determined to be a professional writer. The inspiration may be absent for various reasons: tiredness, restlessness, outside distractions, etc.


What is included in a cruise? Depends on the company you travel and hired regime cruises may include: accommodation hired cabin, maritime transportation, all meals, drinks (on the scheme for all inclusive), access to the nightclub, theatre, casino, and other areas of leisure of the ship. Depending on the cruise you can include transfers by plane to the output port. Would not include personal such as excursions, shopping expenses in shops, hairdresser, gratuities, medical services what documentation do I need to bring? All travellers, including children, must bring Passport rule and visas, certificates of vaccination, etc, for the countries that require it. Children under 18 must be accompanied by written permission signed by their parents or guardians, in anticipation that the same may be requested by any authority. What kind of restaurants will find? Depending on the contracted cruise you may agree with the Maitre preferences both schedules and situation in restaurants. You can choose a more or less formal environment and decide whether to eat outdoors, in the restaurant or the buffet. They will normally be accompanied at the table with tourists from the same nationality and will be served by a waiter with his same language.

Do I pay onboard? Forms of payment on board can be in cash or card. According to the company that travel, at the beginning of the cruise it will provide a personalised card which will include all additional services consumed on the journey. At the end of the cruise will have to pay the total of the amounts charged on that card, cash or credit card (usually the cards of) valid payment onboard credits are American Express, VISA and MasterCard, not accepting debit cards or prepaid). Remember to pay the amounts in cash it must make use of the existing currency (euro or dollar), and can make use of the Bureau de change onboard.