Engine Cooling System

The cooling system of a modern car consists of several main elements: the cooling jacket of the cylinder, which is a cavity in the walls around the combustion chambers, radiator, expansion tank, pump; Thermostat fan located in front of the radiator; thermode; connecting pipes (hoses) Antifreeze. The function of the cooling system – to maintain optimum engine temperature under various conditions. It achieved as follows. The circulation of coolant in the system is ensured by a liquid pump, and can occur in small or large circle. Small circle includes the cooling jacket of the cylinder, thermostat and pump. On this path, bypassing the radiator circulates antifreeze after a cold start to the set operating temperature. Low, released by the combustion of gasoline, antifreeze is absorbed in the moment of passing them shirts cooling of the cylinder. By keeping its own heat engine warms up faster.

When the optimum temperature is reached, the thermostat responds to it. The main valve thermostat opens and the liquid conducted in a large circle. The elements of the small circle is now added to the radiator and the sensor. In the radiator is the heat transfer between a liquid and air. Then the cooled fluid continues to move to the water pump. If the temperature rises too much, triggered sensor, connecting to the process fan.

Fan pumps air through the core of the radiator increases the intensity of this heat transfer. Depending on the mode of the engine coolant temperature is constantly changing and therefore change and its volume. The resulting surplus of antifreeze out of overflow tank, and excess vapor pressure discharged through the valve reservoir tank cover. Upon cooling, the reverse is true, and the tank gets air from the atmosphere. Through the expansion tank and pouring antifreeze poizvoditsya system. Each element of the system plays an important role. a 'knockout' of at least one of the links in the chain, if not immediately resolve the problem, can lead to system failure or entirely in the best case, or the engine to overheat, with all consequences. Source: 'Vito-Service' – repair of radiators and bumpers, car in Moscow