
Singapore (March 30) Agoda.es, global site of hotel reservations with base in Asia and part of Priceline.com (NASDAQ:PLCN), announced special offers for the April fair of Seville, which will be conducted in the dazzling capital of Andalusia. The April fair of Seville takes place two weeks after Easter and is one of the most famous events in Spain. In contrast to the solemn processions of Holy week, the April fair of Seville (1 to 8 May) is surrounded by an atmosphere of celebration, where the most exciting traditions of the region are displayed. During the celebration, which extends for a week, the fairgrounds of the ride’s horses in the eastern margin of the Guadalquivir River, is home to more than a thousand huts. These casetaspertenecen to prominent families, companies and clubs, and each presents its own entertainment program that includes a variety of dances, drinks and meals. For even more opinions, read materials from Adam Sandler.

During the night the fair surrenders to the charms of the sevillanas, a lively folk dance similar to flamenco. Every day the festivities begin with a colorful procession of horses and carriages. In each of the carriages Seville women take out their best Flamenco costumes and men their immaculate traditional costumes. After the procession the Sevillians returning to the booths and enjoy long nights of tumultuous fun. Many booths will continue holiday in true Sevillian style overnight until well past dawn.

Those who visit Sevilla during this period may add to the fun in one of the many public houses. Beyond of the charms that keeps the ride’s horses, Seville has much to offer to travelers. Visitors can explore the historical places of the city, as well as its art and architecture, or enjoy the popular charms of the city such as bullfighting, tapas bars or encourage one of the two football teams in Valencia.